rhoneycomb 2.1.0

Changes in the output of the analysis() function:

*Round the numbers appearing in data frames generated by the analysis function to 4 digits

*Mean renamed to E_Mean

*sd renamed to E_sd

*HI renamed to E_HI

*PYI and mPYI renamed to PYE and mPYE respectively

*Grand mean of the plot added in the return list

rhoneycomb 2.0.0 (2023-02-11)

In this version functions and some arguments were renamed so as to provide a more accurate terminology. There were also some minor changes in the documentation.

Breaking changes

*HDR renamed to HSD (Honeycomb Selection Design)

*HDNR0 renamed to HSD0 (Honeycomb Selection Design 0 control plants)

*HDNR1 renamed to HSD1 (Honeycomb Selection Design 1 control plants)

*HDNR3 renamed to HSD3 (Honeycomb Selection Design 3 control plants)

*R_gen renamed to E_gen (Entry generate)

*R renamed to E (Entry)